The Project: Parents/Business Partners

The Client: A husband and wife team working together to build their business and their family

The Struggle: Wanting to keep their young children close as long as they can, this couple struggle with full time parenting while building their business.

Their Custom Designed Organization Plan: To take care of the day-to-day chores at home and take the stress off of both parents trying to “do it all” together. Things like…

  • Tidying up the home doing little jobs as needed

  • Caring for the house while they travel for business and pleasure

  • Organizing the clutter and chaos at home

  • Keeping the kitchen tidy and organized

  • Clearing away items no longer needed

Priceless Priorities Business Partners & Full Time Parents, Sioux Falls, SD.jpeg

What I love about this project:

Being an entrepreneur married to another entrepreneur I totally understand how stressful this can be. All too often when we are struggling to run our business we have to sacrifice doing the things we really want to do, just to keep our heads, and income above water. Being able to see this couple choose what they really want to do, while I take care of the rest behind the scenes is the best part of this project.